At St. Peter’s Church of England Junior School, we strive for all members of our community to learn and live 'Life in all its Fullness’. We use our Sports Premium funding to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of PE and sport.
There are 5 key indicators that underpin our strategy:
At St. Peter’s, we believe in ‘Life in all its Fullness’ - especially at lunchtimes! Through our sports premium funding, we recruit a lunchtime Play Leader, helping to promote and enthuse physical activity for every child, every day.
Our lunchtime offer includes:
Our lunchtime offer is an excellent example of our Value of Collaboration in action! Our children thrive through the opportunity to engage in physical activity over lunchtime - learning new skills, working together, being active and having fun! Our student Play Leaders help to support and encourage pupil engagement by helping to set up and lead games, running competitions and suggesting new ideas.
At St. Peter’s, we are fortunate to have such extensive grounds - readily awaiting sporting adventures and activities! As part of our sustainable use of sports premium funding, we are proud to present our golden mile initiative - a purpose built running track, which outlines the perimeter of our school field. Through our on-going commitment to raise the profile of PE and sport, teachers timetable dedicated time for children to complete the golden mile each week.
To encourage participation and progress in the golden mile, class teachers keep track of the number of laps children run each week. Personal achievements are celebrated through termly certificates, tracking the number of miles children have run throughout the school year. Inspired by the golden mile, children’s enjoyment for running is enhanced through our participation in competitive events, including district cross country.
To broaden children’s experience of a range of sporting activities, we are committed to delivering a ‘Life in all Fullness’ PE curriculum. We have used sports premium funding to implement 'Get Set 4 PE' - a planning, assessment and monitoring tool, ensuring that children are given a wealth of opportunities to develop their physical skills as well as developing the whole child. Each lesson plan has progressive activities, designed to inspire and engage pupils, allowing them to develop skills and embed knowledge. Teaching points appear throughout to help teachers with their subject knowledge and differentiation tasks provide activities with simple changes to appropriately challenge all of our children.
"Inspiring those who inspire the children is key to successful PE."
(Kathryn and Natalie, Founders of Get Set 4 PE)
Our children enjoy a full PE curriculum, including a range of indoor and outdoor sports. In line with our school vision, we strive for every child to discover and develop their unique gifts and talents. We therefore place great emphasis on the need to broaden children’s experience and enjoyment of sport. Our PE curriculum and lunchtime offer is further enhanced by wider opportunities, including taster activities led by specialist coaches and memorable events such as dance workshops.
To best enable our children to experience ‘Life in all Fullness’ through PE and sport, we value and utilise the skills and knowledge of our staff team. Together, as a staff team, we represent a wide range of sporting activities, including subject specialism in dance and football. We even have a qualified FA Level 2 Football Coach on the team and, made possible by sports premium funding, we are proud to offer specialist football coaching as part of our lunchtime provision.
Through our sporting activities and provision, we strive to bring the Olympic and Paralympic Values to life.
Excellence - Friendship - Respect
Determination - Courage - Equality - Inspiration
To read a copy of our Sports Premium Strategy, please click on the document below.