The school’s vision, ‘Living life in all its fullness’, is the heartbeat of this welcoming and happy school.
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Vision and Values

Our Vision

'Learning and Living - Life in all its Fullness'


St Peter’s Church of England Junior School is a special place to grow with 'Learning and Living - Life in all its Fullness’ at the very heart of all we do.  Our school motto ‘Learn to Live’ was founded in 1962 when moving into our historic building, formerly the Manor House of Farnborough and best known as Farnborough Place.  Until 1903, Farnborough Place had been the residence of the Lords of the Manor for nearly 300 years.  The Manor of Farnborough was first left in the will of King Alfred in 901 and a residence of importance has stood on the present site since the reign of King John.  Just as our beautiful building has adapted over the years, our school vision has also evolved. 

Our Christian vision is inspired by John 10:10:

I have come that they may have life, life in all its fullness’.  

In celebration of the loving gift of life, which we believe that Jesus offers to all in abundance, we strive to ‘Learn and Live - Life in all its Fullness’.  As members of St. Peter’s school, we are encouraged by the lessons we see in the life and learning of St. Peter, who challenges us to extend fullness of life to our local and global community as we seek to ‘use whatever gift you have received to serve others’ (1 Peter 4:10).


Our Beautiful Tree

Introducing our beautiful tree, painted in our reception area as a reflection of our school vision 'Life in all its Fullness’.  In prayer and reflection, our tree was lovingly painted by Emily Kelly, Christian artist and member of our parent community.  The design is inspired by the ancient tree, which has been growing beside our beautiful building - from the roots of a Manor House to today as a school.  This special tree, certified as over 300 years old, has lived through our building 'in all its fullness'.


How does our tree reflect out vision?  "It's like a family tree, the branches represent the school and the leave are each of us, working together and growing" (Year 4 child). 


Our Values


Living life with joy and appreciation; learning to rejoice in the achievements of others and showing gratitude for all that we have.

'Be thankful in all circumstances' (1 Thessalonians 5:18)



Learning the roles that we can play and living them out to bring fullness of life to our class, school and wider community.  Supporting one another to be our best selves.

'Two are better than one; if either of them falls down; one can help the other up' (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10)



Living our lives with kindness and compassion and learning to live with open hearts and minds. Loving each other and ourselves in all our fullness. 

'So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you' (Matthew 7:12)



Learning to lead by example and living to serve others.  Modelling kindness and care to one another and ourselves, for our environment and our wider world. 

'Do everything in love' (1 Corinthians 16:14)



Learning to use our gifts to bring happiness to others and living life with others before ourselves. Volunteering our time to bring life in all fullness to our local and global community.

 ‘Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others’ (1 Peter 4:10)



Learning to show honesty and friendship through life in all circumstances.  Living life with integrity, guided by our values and staying true to ourselves.

'An honest answer is a sign of true friendship' (Proverbs 24:26)


Our Church Community

We are so fortunate to share the same grounds as St. Peter’s Church; two historic buildings, side by side – a reflection of our special partnership and our community ethos. Both buildings enabling us to 'learn and live - life in all its fullness'. We regularly welcome visitors from the church, who work with our children, help around school and lead worship.  Our children visit the church regularly, including opportunities to reflect, pray and celebrate.  The church brings us together as a school wide family, including special events such as the Year 3 Welcome Service and our Year 6 Leavers Service.  

We take great pride in being a school in our church community - using our gifts to serve others, as inspired by St. Peter.  Our children regularly join the ‘meet and eat’ group at St. Peter’s Church - a lovely partnership between young and old.  For more information about this special partnership, please visit the community page of our website.


Collective Worship

Our assembly theme this term is:

Go for Gold

We believe that collective worship should be inclusive, invitational and inspiring for all children, staff, parents and visitors.  

We aim for our collective worship to:

  • Provide opportunities for all children and adults to encounter the teachings of Jesus and the Bible.
  • Enable spiritual growth through experiences of prayer, stillness, worship and reflection.

  • Develop skills of respect and reverence, helping children and adults to appreciate the relevance of faith in today’s world.

  • Create opportunities for all children and adults to explore and express what they believe.

  • Inspire children and adults to listen with open minds and respond with open hearts.

  • Nurture a sense of belonging within our school, local and global community, enriched by our local church community partnerships.

  • Celebrate and express our vision and shared values.

  • Enable worship ‘in all its fullness’, enabling children and adults to appreciate that Christians worship in different ways, including through love and service in our everyday lives.

  • Engage both children and adults in planning, leading and evaluating our provision.

Our School Prayer

Dear God


This is our school, let peace dwell here, 

Let the rooms be filled with happiness, 

Let love abide here, 

Love of one another, 

Love of humanity, 

Love of life itself and love of God.

Let us remember that as many hands build a house,

So many hearts make a school.




Our Vision and Values in Action

  • 'The school’s vision, ‘Living life in all its fullness’, is the heartbeat of this welcoming and happy school' (Ofsted Inspection Report).


  • 'Children are encouraged to reflect on school values, and to consider the impact this has on others around them' (Hampshire Advisor and Inspector).


  • 'Thank you so much for allowing me to join you on your trip to London Zoo on Tuesday.  I was very impressed with how the whole of year 6 held themselves, in their manners, respect for others and pride in the school.  I had a lovely time with children and was also proud to be part of a school that carries its value beyond the school gates' (Year 6 Parent).


  • 'Thank you for all your kindness and hard work that made our Christmas a lot brighter' (Local Resident).


  • 'The Christian ethos and values are central to everything the school does' (Alex Tear, Director of Education for the Guildford Diocese).
  • 'My heartfelt appreciation for our exceptional school.  The dedication of staff, nurturing environment, and the emphasis on individual growth has had a remarkable impact on our child's education.  Thank you for creating such a wonderful learning community' (Year 4 parent).


  • 'Many thanks for bringing the children over to sing and read to us at Holiday at Home.  The guests so love anything they offer and they are so good at smiling and sharing.  What a lovely offering' (St. Peter's Church).


  • 'Dear children at St. Peter’s School, Thank you for the present I received on Easter Sunday. It was one of the best gifts I have ever been given (and I am quite old). It won’t be long until we can all meet again—especially with our relations' (Local Resident).


  • 'What a wonderful surprise to be given a Christmas goodie bag with such lovely handmade gifts.  I was so thrilled and very touched by your kindness - a huge thank you.  May we each learn to value each other and show the care and kindness that you have' (Local Resident)

Christingle Service

Learning from the life of Saint Peter

As members of St Peter's Church of England Junior School, we take great inspiration from the life and learning of Saint Peter, one of Jesus' disciples.  Through class worship, we share and discuss the following stories, making links to our school values and considering what this means for our own lives.


Celebration: Jesus and Peter walk on water (Matthew 14: 22 - 33).

What inspiration can we take from this story to help us achieve and celebrate our goals?


Collaboration: ‘Peter Speaks to the People’ and ‘The Believers Share’ (Acts 2: 38 – 47).

What individual ‘gifts’ do you bring to our community and what happens when we put these together?


Respect: Peter heals a crippled man (Acts 3: 1-10).
How can we show our Value of Respect through Acts of Kindness?


Responsibility: Peter Leaves Jail (Acts 12: 1-19).

With Freedom comes Responsibility.  What things do I take responsibility for?  How can I make the most of each day?


Service: Jesus Washes His Disciples Feet (John 13).

How would you describe our Value of Service, taking inspiration from the life and work of Jesus and Peter?


Truth: Jesus Forgives Peter (Mark 14 and John 21).

Staying true to ourselves and showing courage. How will you use this story to inspire you?
