‘A high-quality history education will help pupils gain a coherent knowledge
and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world.
It should inspire pupils’ curiosity to know more about the past.’
(National Curriculum)
As our children learn about different eras in time, we strive to instil and engage their curiosity in history by equipping every child to:
As we 'learn to live - life in all its fullness’, we strive to provide opportunities for our children to consider how aspects of people’s lives in the past have impacted how we live and work as a society today. Our history curriculum supports children to understand:
Inspired by our school motto 'Learn to Live', first founded in 1962, we strive for children to appreciate their role in history - understanding that history is ever building and changing. As we learn and live through history, we seek to build excitement and curiosity - embracing new discoveries that allow us to reflect on our own sense of place, both past and present.
As stated in the national curriculum for history, we aim for all our children to:
We strive to embed our values in all areas of school life,
promoting them as a guide for flourishing in life and learning.
As historians, we:
CELEBRATE the achievements of the past and recognise how they have shaped the present day.
COLLABORATE to pose and answer questions, hypothesise and draw conclusions.
RESPECT diversity as we place history into different contexts.
Have a RESPONSIBILITY to explore and develop a balanced view of historical events.
Look at how actions in the past SERVE us today.
Seek to discern the TRUTH about events that have shaped Britain and the wider world.
Through our history curriculum, children learn about the events and lives of people from various periods in British and global history: from the Stone Age through Ancient Civilizations and Empires to the Middle Ages and beyond. We study what working life was like for everyday people as well as looking at key individuals and how they influenced society then and now.
Our children use skills as historians to uncover the impact these historical periods had on the people at the time and right up to the present day - engaging in the following enquiry cycle:
Subject Lead: Mrs Carr
Subject Governor: Margaret Taylor