The school’s vision, ‘Living life in all its fullness’, is the heartbeat of this welcoming and happy school.
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Welcome to our beautiful school

A warm welcome to St. Peter’s Church of England Junior School - a place for learning and living ‘Life in all its Fullness’. We are a two form entry junior school, situated in the heart of Farnborough and located within the grounds of St. Peter’s Church. We are immensely proud of our beautiful Grade 2 listed building, similar to that of a National Trust property! Our historic building and stunning grounds provide the perfect base for curriculum adventures, beautiful learning and character growth. We have high aspirations for all our children and strive to provide a wide range of opportunities and memorable experiences. We are proud of our community links and warm family feel - a place where all children are known and nurtured. Your child will be welcomed into a happy school that has a distinctive caring Christian ethos. 

Welcome from our Headteacher, Miss Reece

I am delighted to introduce myself as the Headteacher of St. Peter’s Church of England Junior School - where our vision of ‘life in all its fullness’ is at the heart of all that we do. I am passionate about lifelong, meaningful learning with school at the heart of our community.


Together, we strive to 

  • Ignite children’s curiosity 
  • Foster childhood and life-long memories
  • Develop character and aspiration
  • Inspire and celebrate beautiful learning  
  • Provide a sense of belonging 
  • Promote active citizenship
  • Grow the whole child  

Stillness and reflection is so important for all members of our community and I have a real passion for church school leadership. As a church school, we belong to the Guildford Diocese family of schools and we cherish this partnership. As a church school family, we strive for all members of our community to flourish, underpinned by the Church of England Vision for Education:


  • Educating for wisdom, knowledge and skills
  • Educating for hope and aspiration
  • Educating for community and living well together
  • Educating for dignity and respect

Equipping our children to become active citizens, both in our local community and wider world is of great importance to me. I have a real passion for global education, incredibly committed to a Scout and school linking project that I lead in The Gambia, West Africa, as part of Kaira Konko Scout Active Support. I am passionate about growing global awareness and equipping our young people to make a real life difference. We look forward to embedding the Sustainable Development Goals within our curriculum, helping to raise children’s awareness of the wider world and the role they can play.  We also look forward to providing further opportunities for our children to be young fundraisers, both locally and globally.


Forward thinking and outward looking practice is at the heart of my vision for leadership and school wide growth - and we are proud to be a beacon within the community. 


I believe in community partnership and I really look forward to meeting you and working together. 

Our vision of 'life in all its fullness' is at the heart of school life.  To learn more about our vision and values, please click on the link below.

For a picture tour of our beautiful school, please click on the link below.

For testimonials and feedback from our children, parents and wider community (including school development progress), please visit our testimonial page below. 
