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Year 3

Welcome to Year 3

3BP is taught by Miss Wilkinson and 3H is taught by Mr Hudson

All of our classes are named after famous British people.


3BP was chosen to represent Sir Baden Powell because he was the founder of the Scouting movement and we know lots of our children enjoy beavers, cubs, rainbows and brownies. He was born in London in 1857 and was one of 10 children. His father died when he was three and he was raised by his mother, enjoying an active outdoor childhood with his brothers and his time at boarding school. He served in the British Army in India and Africa.


3H was chosen to represent the outstanding achievements of Dame Kelly Holmes; a former athlete and member of the Armed Forces. She specialised in the 800 metres and 1,500 metres events and won a gold medal for both distances at the 2004 Summer Olympics in Athens.

Timetable - Summer

Year 3 Reading List

Kew Garden

Summer 1 - What can we learn from our neighbours in France?

DT - Roman interactive book

Roman Homework - sharing with Year 5 buddies

Spring 2 - What did the Romans do for us?

Volcano Making Hook Day

Spring 1 - How are volcanoes life changing?

DT - bread making

Hook Stone Age cave drawings

Autumn 2 - How can we celebrate changes within the Stone Age?

Hook scavenger hunt

Autumn 1 - How can we 'learn to live' our best journey?
