The school’s vision, ‘Living life in all its fullness’, is the heartbeat of this welcoming and happy school.
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St Peter's Church

We feel so fortunate to share the same grounds as St. Peter’s Church; two historic buildings, side by side – a reflection of our special partnership and our community ethos. Both buildings enabling us to learn and live 'life in all its fullness'. We have visitors in from the church regularly – working with children, helping around school and leading assemblies.  Our children also visit the church regularly, including opportunities to reflect, pray and celebrate.  The church brings us together as a school wide family, including special events such as the Year 3 Welcome Service and our Year 6 Leavers Service.

Above all, we take great pride in being a school in our church community - using our gifts to serve others, as inspired by St. Peter. 

Community Outreach

Our children regularly join the ‘meet and eat’ group at St. Peter’s Church - a lovely partnership between young and old. The above pictures show our school council sharing their work and learning - capturing the rich engagement and valuable interaction this special link provides. 

Easter Gifts for our Church Community

“Dear children at St. Peter’s School, Thank you for the present I received on Easter Sunday. It was one of the best gifts I have ever been given (and I am quite old). It won’t be long until we can all meet again—especially with our relations”.


“Dear children, Thank you so much for the lovely gifts you gave to me at Easter. It was such a lovely surprise and made me very happy. It was a lovely thing for you to do. Well done and you should be very proud of yourselves”.

Prayer Space with our Church Community

Christmas gifts for our church community

“Please thank the children for taking the time to think of the elderly in the Parish at Christmas time”.


"What a wonderful surprise to be given a Christmas goodie bag with such lovely handmade gifts.  I was so thrilled and very touched by your kindness - a huge thank you.  May we each learn to value each other and show the care and kindness that you have".

Christingle Service

Church Community Cafe

Visit from Mission Aviation Fellowship

Please click on the link below to visit our vision and values page - for more information about life as a church school, including our church/school partnership.
