The school’s vision, ‘Living life in all its fullness’, is the heartbeat of this welcoming and happy school.
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Our Vision for Computing

At St. Peter’s, we endeavour to nurture and inspire every child’s creativity within the technological world through providing experiences that enhance each child’s confidence and ability to explore what technology has to offer in our everyday lives.


Life in all Fullness through Computing

Through information technology experiences, we seek to enable a ‘life in all its fullness’ curriculum by supporting our children to acquire a strong knowledge in E-safety, including keeping themselves and others safe online. Rooted in a safe environment, we strive to nurture curiosity and interest in multiple technologies - providing the space for children to master their use of the World Wide Web. In turn, we hope to inspire enjoyment and respect for computing as a subject as well as its presence in our everyday lives.

Computing lessons allow our children to test and refine their ideas, while enabling cross curricular progression and opportunities.  Planned learning opportunities within computing and across the wider curriculum enable children to apply their information technology knowledge and understanding across a range of applications.  Through such experiences, children develop skills to create digital artefacts from a wide range of applications, including:

  • Word Processing
  • Desktop Publishing
  • Presentation Media
  • Stop Motion Animation
  • Podcasts/Audio
  • Photo Editing


Our Aims in Computing

The national curriculum for computing aims to ensure that all pupils:

  • can understand and apply the fundamental principles and concepts of computer science, including abstraction, logic, algorithms and data representation
  • can analyse problems in computational terms, and have repeated practical experience of writing computer programs in order to solve such problems
  • can evaluate and apply information technology, including new or unfamiliar technologies, analytically to solve problems
  • are responsible, competent, confident and creative users of information and communication technology.


Skills and Values

We strive to embed our values in all areas of school life,

promoting them as a guide for flourishing in life and learning.


As computer experts, we:


Show RESPECT by keeping ourselves and others safe online through the safe and correct use of online resources and programs.


Represent our TRUTH when we are online.


CELEBRATE advancements in technology and how we can utilise this in our own lives.


Take RESPONSIBILITY as we explore technology and the World Wide Web, while also taking care to present our work through a range of applications.


SERVE our school by modelling our values during our use of technologies and programs.


COLLABORATE with our peers in exploring and designing programs and algorithms.


Computing Learning Journey

Through our computing curriculum, we wish for every child to develop a good understanding of the key programming concepts:

  • Sequencing
  • Repetition
  • Selection
  • Procedures 
  • Variables


By acquiring skills and knowledge in computing, we strive for every child to confidently and independently think of an idea and bring this to life through the use of different programs and/or applications.  We believe that computing provides a platform for children to celebrate their progress and achievements across all areas of their learning. 


Please click on the document below for further information about our computing curriculum.

Subject Leader: Mrs Hacker
