Meet Graham Hudson, our Chair of Governors
I was appointed as a Foundation Governor to the school in 2020. My whole career has been in education and educational assessment. Originally, I taught sciences in a Secondary School in Hampshire. I then moved into high-stakes educational examinations and assessments and participated in many of the educational reforms of the 1980s and 1990s. At one time I was responsible for the marking of Key Stage 2 and 3 tests for England.
I moved into the use of digital technologies to support educational assessment in schools which led to an interesting ten years travelling to many countries to support educational systems in implementing change. I now provide consultancy to professional bodies, national and international organisations that wish to improve educational outcomes for children, pupils and students by making use of digital technologies.
I was a governor and Chair of Governors at Bell Vue Infant School for 11 years (now Alderwood Infant School). I am Chair of the e-Assessment Association, a member of the Institute of Directors Assessment Committee, Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and a Board Member of Qualifications Wales.
I have been married to my wife Anne for over 40 years, lived in Aldershot for most of that time, have two sons, three grandchildren, two three Land Rovers and a classic Rover!
Meet Katy Harris, our Vice Chair of Governors
I am a Foundation Governor and have recently been reappointed having served the Governing Body for 10 years. I retired as a Primary Headteacher in 2014 and wanted to give back to the community in which I live. I care passionately about St Peter’s school – I attended the school as a child, albeit on a different site and my 2 girls also attended the school.
As a governor, I chair the Resources Committee and am also the Pupil Premium governor. In addition, I have responsibility for Maths, English and PE.
I have a strong Christian faith and am an active member of St Peter’s church. It is a privilege to be part of a team actively promoting life in all its fullness. I really enjoy seeing the school flourish under the Headteacher’s leadership.
Meet Janet Ruthven, one of our Foundation Governors
I am a foundation governor and became a governor in 2015 when my elder daughter was in year 3. I am the safeguarding governor and also have responsibility for RE and collective worship.
As a member of the church, I am keen to continue to build links between the church and the school. I passionately believe in life in all its fullness for our children. As well as supporting the school with my responsibilities, I really enjoy volunteering to help on the school trips, and giving the children experiences outside of school that they might not otherwise have experienced.
Meet Sharon Price, one of our Foundation Governors
I am a Foundation Governor, appointed in 2022. I was also previously a governor of St Peter’s School about twenty years ago when my children were pupils here. It is a privilege and a joy to have another opportunity to play a small part in shaping the Christian distinctiveness and strategic direction of this wonderful school where pupils experience fullness of life, enabled by the expertise and dedication of their headteacher and her staff.
My husband and I are both active members of St Peter's Church where I play and sing in the worship band. Aside from various volunteering activities and hobbies, we enjoy spending time with our family, especially our grandchildren. I have been a Music teacher for forty years and I currently teach in a local secondary school so I am able to bring some professional experience to my governance role. This, combined with my Christian faith, enables me to serve the St Peter's community both in school and in church.
I am passionate about education and keen to be part of a strong team with our headteacher, fellow governors, staff and parents as we continually seek the best ways to enable our pupils and our whole school community to flourish in so many different ways. Let’s work together to give our St Peter’s pupils the best opportunities to live a life in all its fullness, both during their time at our school, and as we build with them for their future as they continue in education and beyond.
Meet Rhian Visram, our Local Authority Governor
As a bit of background about me, I have a daughter in Year 6 and a husband in the Royal Navy and I work in the energy sector. You may have seen me at the school gate.
I had never been a School Governor before, but I wanted to get involved so that I could work with the other governors to help improve St Peter’s for our children. My role as a Governor is not to run the school – Miss Reece and her team do that! My role is to ensure that the school has a clear vision and strategy, to hold the leadership team to account for how they educate our children and monitor the financial performance of the school.
Meet Margaret Taylor, one of our Foundation Governors
Hello, I'm one of the Foundation governors, appointed by the Diocese of Guildford in January 2021. I've lived in Farnborough for most of my adult life, am a member of St Peter's church and until my retirement taught locally. My three children were all pupils at St Peter's and I served as a governor at that time. It seems very natural to return to the governing body in retirement as a way to continue my interest in education and, in particular, to support a school close to my heart.
As a grandparent I want my grandchildren to be well equipped to deal with all that the modern world will throw at them - where better to serve then, than a school seeking to enable children to live life in all its fullness!
Meet Helena Scott, our Co-opted Governor
I was originally appointed as Parent Governor in December 2022 after my daughter joined the school and have recently been appointed as Co-opted Governor. I applied to be a Governor because I am passionate about education and wanted to give something back to the community.
Originally from Sussex, I moved to Hampshire in my teens so have been in and around the Farnborough area ever since. I have worked in the field of HR for more than 25 years and have worked as a college Lecturer alongside this for many years teaching professional and leadership qualifications.
I have 1 daughter, 2 cats and 3 Guinea Pigs!
Meet Tim Bateman, our Ex-officio Governor
I am an ex-officio governor at St. Peter’s, given my role as vicar of St. Peter’s Church. I am passionate about the school and its vision for the whole community to have life in all its fullness. I believe St. Peter’s Church and school have a strong and special relationship with joint values to serve our children and our local community.
I bring experience of being a trustee of a Multi-Academy Trust and chairing a local academy governing board for a school in Birmingham.
I am delighted that one of my children attends St. Peter’s school. I’ve found it to be a place where children can flourish - the focus of development is holistic focused on the whole child which is coupled with the pursuit for academic excellence!
I’m excited about how the community is growing and flourishing at St. Peter’s school as our children grow into the adults who shape our society in the future. I’m thrilled I get to play a small role in that.