The school’s vision, ‘Living life in all its fullness’, is the heartbeat of this welcoming and happy school.
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Year 5 Curriculum Projects

Autumn 1 - Earth Heroes

What makes someone an Earth Hero?


This half term, Year 5 will be asking the question, ‘What makes someone an Earth Hero?’ as they explore the actions of various individuals and their impact on the global community.  This will be accomplished through a number of subjects, including geography where children will further their knowledge and understanding of the distribution of natural resources and come to understand that they are unevenly distributed and used. Our learning in English will enhance the children’s awareness of these matters through reading the book ‘Earth Heroes’ by Lily Dyu and producing a biography, detailing an individual’s influence on the global environment.

Through their wider learning, children will discover how they can have an impact on environmental issues in their local community as well as in our global community. Our values of responsibility and service are key in helping children to understand how they can make a difference in the world. 


For further information, please click on the document below.

Educating for 'Life in all Fullness' 

  • Global Goal for Sustainable Development - Goal 17, Partnership for the Goals
  • Building Block for Spiritual Development - Uncertainty, Awe and Wonder
  • Enrichment Opportunities - Earth Heroes Awards Ceremony

Autumn 2 - Space

Is it right to explore a place where no human has ever been?


As part of this project, Year 5 will launch into space with a special visit to Winchester Science Centre where they will experience space related exhibits and explore the universe in the planetarium! Across the curriculum subjects, including science and art, the children will learn about space and gravity, developing their understanding of the solar system.  Inspired by 'Curiosity: The Story of a Mars Rover', the children will research and design their own Mars Rover as part of English and design technology.

This project will enable the children to wonder about the space beyond our planet and consider whether humans have a right to find out.  Our church school values will support the exploration of these ideas, as they debate and decide many questions and the potential answers for them.


For further information, please click on the document below.

Educating for 'Life in all Fullness' 

  • Global Goal for Sustainable Development - Goal 9, Industry Innovation and Infrastructure
  • Building Block for Spiritual Development - Asking Ultimate Questions
  • Enrichment Opportunities - School Trip to Winchester Science Centre, including Space Planetarium.

Spring 1 - Our Local Area

What makes our local area unique?


Year 5 will be considering ‘what makes our local area unique’ as they investigate physical and human features in and around Farnborough through geography and art.  Inspired by the book 'Wonder' by RJ Palacio, they will investigate what makes a person unique.  Further supported by their work in Relationships Education, the children will consider their dreams and goals for their own, unique 'life in all its fullness'.

At the end of this project, the children will host an alumnus event - inviting past pupils, staff and representatives of St Peter’s School to join them for a celebration of learning.  This event brings children and adults, past and present, together to share their personal experience of living in Farnborough and how it has changed over the years. 


For further information, please click on the document below.

Educating for 'Life in all Fullness' 

  • Global Goal for Sustainable Development - Goal 10, Reduced Inequalities 
  • Building Block for Spiritual Development - Beliefs and Values
  • Enrichment Opportunities - Leadership of an alumnus event with past associates of the school

Spring 2 - Isambard Kingdom Brunel

Can anyone be an engineer?

During this project, Year 5 with be asking whether Isambard Kingdom Brunel was an engineering genius or reckless risk-taker. The focus of their enquiry is to explore whether Brunel merits his modern standing as a genius of engineering. To decide this, the children will explore Brunel’s life and achievements before examining, in greater depth, the problems he came across in some of his projects and exploring a variety of sources about him. Finally, they decide on their own view of Brunel’s standing based on the evidence they have gathered.

As the children continue to grow and develop as Historians, they will consider not only the impact that Isambard Kingdom Brunel had on British transport and train travel, but their own impact on society and their lives.  This project is further enriched by their study of Cogheart by by Peter Bunzl, and their bridge designs in art and DT.  An exciting, residential adventure also awaits the children at Calshot Activity Centre, including a river study and the opportunity to climb, abseil, swing and ski!


For further information, please click on the document below.

Educating for 'Life in all Fullness' 

  • Global Goal for Sustainable Development - Goal 11, Sustainable Cities and Communities
  • Building Block for Spiritual Development - Creativity
  • Enrichment Opportunities - Bridge Building Workshop, Science Fair and Residential Visit to Calshot Activity Centre.

Summer 1 - Rivers and Water Cycle

What is the impact of water?

At the start of this project, Year 5 will embark on a geographical study of the Darkwater River in the Lepe Valley.  Through a range of practical activities, the children will learn about and investigate different parts of a river.  This journey will take them through a river comparison, where they will learn about the Nile.  Supported by their text driver and wider discussions, Year 5 will develop an understanding of the importance of a river to a community and, in particular, the impact that human intervention can have on valuable water sources.  Their reflections will be guided by the Global Goals for Sustainable Development - with a particular focus on Goal 6, Clean Water and Sanitation.

As Year 5 engage with the global goal of 'clean water for everyone', they will learn about a real life water challenge, faced by a community in Africa.  This case study will support the children to critically reflect on the impact of water.  A visit from a local water company will further enrich their thinking and understanding, as they consider both local and global issues.  This project will culminate in a water-based fundraising event, raising money to support a global project. 


For further information, please click on the document below.

Educating for 'Life in all Fullness' 

  • Global Goal for Sustainable Development - Goal 6, Clean Water and Sanitation 
  • Building Block for Spiritual Development - Forming Relationships
  • Enrichment Opportunities - Student leadership of water based activities, raising funds for Water Aid.

Summer 2 - Ancient Egyptians

How do the choices of lives of others impact us today?


During this project, Year 5 will learn about the lives of the Ancient Egyptians as they unravel the achievements of the earliest civilizations.  As they learn about life during this historic period, they will consider how the lives of others impact us today.  This project launches with a 'play in a day' experience, led by the Treehouse Theatre company, immersing children into the history of Ancient Egypt.

Through their study in history, the children will explore how life in an ancient civilization is represented through different sources.  To extend their thinking further, children are encouraged to consider how well different groups of people are represented and why some may be underrepresented.  In art, the children will create Egyptian Canopic Jars in clay.  This project culminates in an Egyptian Tomb exhibition, featuring the children's work in English and art.


For further information, please click on the document below.

Educating for 'Life in all Fullness' 

  • Global Goal for Sustainable Development - Goal 15 - Life on Land 
  • Building Block for Spiritual Development - Uncertainty, Awe and Wonder
  • Enrichment Opportunities - Play in a Day (Ancient Egyptians) and British Museum virtual workshop.