The school’s vision, ‘Living life in all its fullness’, is the heartbeat of this welcoming and happy school.
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Our Vision for Science

At St Peter's, we aim to inspire and equip our children to ‘learn to live’ in the wondrous world of science, helping to develop an appreciation of the role that science plays in our everyday lives.  We strive to plan and provide opportunities for children to explore the wonder of the natural world, developing their skills of critical reflection, creative thinking and collaborative working.  Through practical based enquiry, we seek to capture children's interest and enable them develop skills of working scientifically 'in all its fullness'.

Through regular opportunities for children to actively engage in scientific enquiry and practical investigation, we strive to promote and develop scientific thinking, supporting every child to be curious about the way things work and the wider world around us. We encourage children to ask questions and be inquisitive, supporting them to think logically as they make predictions, carry out experiments and evaluate their findings. Above all, we aim for science to be meaningful and memorable, enabling children to identify and develop links between their science learning, the wider curriculum and in their everyday lives.


Using the five different enquiry types

'Life in all Fullness' through Science

Practical investigation is at the heart of our science curriculum and wider learning opportunities, including our lunchtime science experiments, led by our Science Ambassadors.  Through these rich experiences, we strive to develop transferable, life long skills, enabling children to work in collaboration to:

  • make logical predictions based on their previous learning
  • plan to solve a problem, considering how to control different factors
  • lead an enquiry with an open mind 
  • develop skills of resilience and problem solving if something doesn’t work
  • interpret and evaluate the accuracy of their results
  • consider and present the impact of their findings


using the different investigational skills

Aims in Science

As stated in the national curriculum for science, we aim to ensure that all children:

  • develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics
  • develop understanding of the nature, processes and methods of science through different types of science enquiries that help them to answer scientific questions about the world around them
  • are equipped with the scientific knowledge required to understand the uses and implications of science, today and for the future


Science Ambassadors

At St Peter's, we appoint pupil science ambassadors to enthuse the whole school, creating a tangible buzz for science.  Our science ambassadors fulfil their student leadership roles in a variety of different ways:


  • Science at playtime they run playtime science, where they set up mini experiments and activities for other children to come along and try.  This allows them to demonstrate their enthusiasm for science.
  • Science assembly - our science ambassadors stand proudly in front of their audience, explaining the importance of science in every day life and sharing fun experiments.
  • Recording science around school  - many children are unaware that they are actually doing science! Our science ambassadors help by capturing science lessons as they happen.
  • Shout about science  - they let the wider school community know about science in school through their science newsletter.  They also run 'science at home' competitions and encourage other children to join in.

    Skills and Values in Science

    We strive to embed our values in all areas of school life,

    promoting them as a guide for flourishing in life and learning.


    As scientists, we:


    Take RESPONSIBILITY for the earth by exploring the wonders of the natural world


    Show RESPECT when asking questions and discovering new things


    COLLABORATE by explaining and communicating to others when working scientifically


    Model TRUTH when investigating, observing and measuring


    CELEBRATE the work of other scientists, showing excitement and curiosity about natural phenomena


    Use our scientific knowledge to SERVE the world around us, today and in the future



    Science Learning Journey

    Our science learning journeys work on a principle of building blocks - each one building on the one before.  Through a series of key questions, children use and develop their scientific knowledge and understanding, supported by practical enquiry.


    The children develop their skills as scientist by completing work across five enquiry types, comparative and fair testing, research, observation over time, pattern seeking, problem solving and identifying grouping and classifying.  



    As part of their practical enquiry, our children develop the use of the disciplinary skills of a real scientist, learning about asking questions, making predictions, setting up tests, observing and measuring, recording data, interpreting and communicating results and evaluating their findings.




    Please click on the document below for further information about our science curriculum.

    Enquiry types and investigational skils

    Our curriculum linked to each of the sustainabilty goals

    Science in the community - The Ogden Trust

    We are proud to work in partnership with The Ogden Trust as a lead school. 


    The Ogden Trust aims to increase the uptake of physics post-16 by supporting physics education and engagement for all young people (4-18), particularly those in under-represented groups. The Trust supports schools, teachers, projects and programmes that are committed to enhancing physics teaching and learning.


    Our farnborough partnership has 12 schools ranging from infant to secondary. We have an exciting program of events to enable all pupils to increase their science capital and 'live life in all it's fullness'

    Subject lead: Mrs Burgess

    Science governor: Rhian Visram
