The school’s vision, ‘Living life in all its fullness’, is the heartbeat of this welcoming and happy school.
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SIAMS Inspection Report

SIAMS Inspection at St. Peter's

All Church of England and Methodist schools are inspected approximately every five years by a SIAMS inspector from the Church of England.  Our school was inspected in December 2024.


The inspection findings indicate that St Peter’s is living up to its foundation as a Church school and is enabling pupils and adults to flourish.


To read a copy of our SIAMS Inspection report, which is a special celebration of our Church school, please click on the document below.


School Strengths

  • The deeply Christian vision is implemented with relentless enthusiasm and is fully embedded in school life at all levels. It is widely understood and owned. As such it is the main driving force.


  • Leaders and governors are highly effective in shaping the distinct Christian identity of this school. They lead by example and with a strong understanding of service. Actions are very well-planned and evaluated, based on strong monitoring strategies.


  • The school vision creates a culture, based on trust and respect that enables pupils and adults to flourish. Each individual is valued and celebrated. Additional needs of any kind are met generously.


  • In close partnership with the local church, the school provides a rich and varied balance of collective worship opportunities that enable pupils and adults to flourish spiritually.


  • The religious education (RE) curriculum is well-planned and sequenced. This enables pupils to make good progress in their thinking and understanding.

Quotes from our SIAMS Inspection Report

  • St Peter’s is a vibrant junior school where the deeply embedded Christian vision enables pupils and adults to thrive.


  • One parent described its impact as, ‘helping my child celebrate life.’ Life in this community is firmly rooted in this Christian vision.


  • Leaders are deeply committed to sustaining a fully inclusive place where each child is celebrated.


  • The aspirational vision infuses the innovative curriculum through the application of overarching questions. The school’s intent to ‘draw on a broad range of learning whilst giving back to others’ is realised. 


  • A sense of service and widened horizons is very evident in the learning of pupils. 


  • The school vision invites its community to engage actively with the Christian faith. Daily collective worship is planned in thorough detail. This breadth invites pupils and adults to respond individually whilst feeling included within their worshipping community.


  • This rich and balanced approach, and their understanding of spiritual development, enables pupils and adults to flourish spiritually.


  • The partnership with the local church is very important in the life of the school.  They partner the school in a range of initiatives. This includes the ‘meet and eat’ project where pupils enjoy opportunities to serve and learn in a multi-generational setting.


  • The school and the church work hand-in-hand. This reflects their shared view that they are a united community, serving each other


  • Relationships are rooted in the school vision and its call to serve others.


  • Effective pastoral and additional need support is readily provided. Innovative strategies enable vulnerable pupils and their families to thrive whilst feeling included and valued.


  • The school’s implementation of its vision ensures that pupils have a clear understanding of both responsibility and justice. The use of enquiry within the curriculum prompts individual and collective reflection. As a result, projects of social action and service are often the outcome of this rich learning.


  • The school actively seeks to partner with their local community and national initiatives such as ‘Global Neighbours’ are embraced. These partnerships enhance the many diverse opportunities the school provides for its pupils.


  • The RE curriculum is effective. Learning is sequenced well, through interesting units of study.  They (pupils) are confident in the way they express their enjoyment of RE. One stated that it ‘unlocked’ her thinking. 


  • Pupils are clear about the impact of faith and belief systems on their lives and the lives of others. One said, ‘faith changes how I do things.’  Such confidence builds an acceptance of others and an awareness of their needs. 


  • Pupils value their own viewpoints but willingly accept those who follow different faiths and hold other worldviews.


  • RE is led and delivered innovatively by a specialist teacher who teaches the subject to each class across the school. The impact of this is evident in the high standards of pupil understanding and enthusiasm for the subject.


Our Christian Vision is 'Life in all its Fullness' for all members of our local and global community.
