The school’s vision, ‘Living life in all its fullness’, is the heartbeat of this welcoming and happy school.
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Homework Rationale

At St. Peter’s, we believe that homework is a valuable part of a child’s ‘life in all fullness’ education.  Through the provision of homework, we aim to:

  • Consolidate skills, knowledge and understanding linked to the taught curriculum
  • Support children’s engagement and interest in the wider curriculum 
  • Develop life-long skills, which children can transfer to secondary school and beyond
  • Provide opportunities for parents and children to learn and work together 

Homework at St Peter’s

Homework is set by the class teacher via an online platform, DB Primary.  Your child's login details can be found in their Reading Diary.  Homework is set every Friday, providing children with one week to practise for their spelling test, which is generally administered on a Friday morning. 


Children’s homework will be valued and acknowledged through positive reinforcement, including verbal feedback and special awards.  Online programmes, including MyMaths and Timetables Rockstarsprovide instant feedback.  Project work will be valued through class presentations and celebration events.

Homework Suggestions - Lower School

Homework Suggestions for the Lower School (Years 3 and 4):

  • Reading: 10 minutes of daily reading, including independent reading or shared reading with an adult. 
  • Reading activity: 10 minutes a week.  This may include a short reading record or completion of a reading challenge, supported by an adult.
  • Spellings: 25 minutes a week of spelling practice, including opportunities to rehearse with an adult and independent use of ‘look, cover and check’ approach.
  • Optional tasks will be available on Spelling Shed to consolidate and practise grammar, punctuation and grammar skills.
  • 1 task will be set on My Maths and/or Power Maths to consolidate and practise an area of maths, linked to the taught curriculum.  Teaching videos are also available to support task completion.
  • 1 hour of project time every half term, linked to the wider curriculum.

Homework Suggestions - Upper School

Homework Suggestions for the Upper School (Years 5 and 6):

  • Reading: 20 minutes of daily independent reading, including opportunities to talk about the content you have read with an adult.
  • Reading activity: 20 minutes a week.  This may include a book review or independent completion of a reading challenge.
  • Spellings: 25 minutes a week of spelling practice, including opportunities to apply key words as part of a spoken or written sentence.
  • Optional tasks will be available on Spelling Shed to consolidate and practise grammar, punctuation and grammar skills. 
  • 2 tasks will be set on My Maths and/or Power Maths to consolidate and practise an area of maths, linked to the taught curriculum.  Teaching videos are also available to support task completion.
  • 2 hours of project time every half term, linked to the wider curriculum.

Life in all Fullness

Underpinned by our Church school vision of ‘life in all fullness’, we strive to grow the whole child and fully value children’s participation in external clubs and life activities.  We acknowledge that family life is busy and, where children’s personal development is important to us, we aim to recognise and celebrate children’s wider achievements.  We welcome children to share and celebrate their wider learning outcomes in school, including club awards and recounts of their adventures.
